GB3JB - Nr. Mere, South Wiltshire - IO81vc

At this time the repeater is operating on limited hours.

Switch ON is at approx., 8:30 am

Switch OFF is at approx., 10:30 pm

2m &-& Channel RV63 &-& Input: 145.1875 MHz &-& Output: 145.7875 MHz &-& 25w (14 dBw) ERP

Motorola VHF DR3000 &-& TDMA DMR Tier II &-& Colour Code 5 &-& Slot 1 = TG9 + DOD TG’s &-& Slot 2 = TG950 = SWC

Loc: IO81vc &-& 745 ft (227m) asl &-& Single 3 dBD Collinear &-& Timeout 180 seconds


GB3JB is part of the South West Cluster of 27 linked DMR Repeaters.


All the site systems are powered by Solar Panels and Wind Turbines, which operate at High Voltages.

During peak winter months when there is little direct sunshine and quite often not a lot of wind, GB3JB can suffer from power outages.

Tampering with any part of the installation could be dangerous to life and limb.

The above image is provided by the ETCC, and a more detailed map can be found HERE.

Good Practice.

Obviously, there are other 2m repeaters operational on RV63, and users should be aware that under some conditions GB3JB could suffer interference from users of these other repeaters.

It should also be obvious that users of GB3JB could well cause interference to users of these other repeaters.

It is good operating practice, to only use the power that you need to be able to access any repeater.  

Therefore, if you only need 5 watts to access GB3JB, don’t use 50.

Similarly, irrespective of what the licensing conditions may state or imply, it is good operating practice to use callsigns at the start and end of each over, and to leave a pause, of say 4 or 5 seconds, between overs.

This pause serves two purposes. .. 1.  It allows other stations to call-in and join the QSO. .. 2.  It allows all the repeaters that are re-transmitting your signal via the network to re-set their time-out timers and to fully re-sync. ..

Also, Please do NOT just release the PTT, without indicating who you are passing the transmission to.  This very poor operating procedure leads to other participants in the QSO, not knowing who should be transmitting.  It also usually leads to more than one station transmitting at the same time, which locks the system up and will require the repeaters to close and re-sync before the QSO can continue.

Please remember, on Slot 2, you are not operating simplex or just using one single repeater, you are using the entire South West Cluster.

Site Safety & Security.

Obviously, at a site with a relatively easy unauthorised public access, safety and security is a priority.

We therefore try to do our bit.  A couple of examples are shown opposite.

We have signs warning not to climb the tower.  Even though we have installed anti-climbing panels, idiots will always be idiots.

We have also provided warnings as to the use of 24 hour CCTV facilities on the site, which cover both the internal areas of the locked and secure barn and the external areas outside of the barn.

If you are not directly associated with the servicing and maintenance of GB3JB and it’s associated equipment and facilities, or directly associated with the farming of the land itself, you enter this privately owned site, totally at your own risk.

There is no public right of way across the site, and no unauthorised public access at any time.

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