The GB3JB Team & How To Contact Us

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On this page you will find information on those who look after the repeaters, how to contact us, and how to securely subscribe to our ‘blanket’ news and information updates.

The Keeper - Dave G3ZXX

Licensed in September 1969, with the call sign G8CYV.  Upgraded to G3ZXX in January 1971.  Currently the keeper for GB7JB, GB3JB and GB7DW.  Principle activities are QO-100 Satellite, HF / 6m Digital modes, and building antennas.  I also provide a broad range of Radio talks and demonstrations to local radio clubs.

The Money Man - Peter M0ACD

I obtained my licence in 1995 after attending night school at Sony in Basingstoke. I spent most of my working life with British Railways, up to and following privatisation, finishing in 2015. My hobbies include railways, all transport and amateur radio.

The Much Missed - Clem G3UGR

Clem was associated with amateur radio for many years.  He was the keeper for GB3YS for most of it’s life, and was significantly involved in the building and development of the GB3JB repeater module.  In terms of personality he was a very gentle man who was the foil to the G3ZXX character.  We worked very well together, and he is greatly missed by all who knew him.


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